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Recorded Workshops

Copy of Pastel Neutral Shapes Spa Events

Identity and Confidence: Knowing Who You Are and Living Out of That Space


What do you think of yourself...? No, like REALLY think of yourself? 


Losing our confidence can happen in the blink of an eye. You can feel so good and confident about yourself and where you are in life AND THEN comparison rears its ugly head...


Or you begin thinking about where you are in life compared to others and embarrassment comes out to play with comparison... (what an awful duo!) 


All the while the things you are saying to yourself are things you would NEVER in a million years say to someone you loved. 


And the cycle goes on...​ Most women find themselves in this cycle no matter what season of life they are in! 


Believe it or not, you aren't meant to live from a space where you don't like yourself, or where you think so poorly of yourself compared to others...


You aren't meant to live from a space where you feel like the smallest person in the room or like you don't deserve to have a seat at the table...


In this workshop, you will learn how your thoughts, self-talk, emotions and actions either help you create more confidence or destroy it. We'll give you the practicals of how to get out of that cycle and begin living from a place of more freedom and confidence, knowing your self worth! â€‹

“I have been through counseling, spiritual direction, and have shared with close friends but no one seems to quite get it and offer the perspective and understanding that you have."

- Jamie

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